Preserve consulted closely with dental professionals to create a toothbrush that gets your teeth cleaner but minimizes your impact on the environment. The design includes a curved handle for those hard-to-reach places and a three-level bristle arrangement to massage your gums. And while the bristles are brand new, the handle is made from recycled yogurt cups. Preserve Toothbrushes are completely recyclable through Preserve’s mail-in recycling program or Preserve Gimme 5 bins.. The lightweight package doubles as a return envelope for recycling the toothbrush.
– Handle made from 100% recycled number 5 plastic
– Tri-level virgin nylon bristles with softer color outer rows to protect your gums and tooth enamel
– Curved handle, developed with dental professionals, for an effective and thorough cleaning
– BPA Free, made in the USA
– No animal testing
If you are not sure of the importance of buying products made in the USA, please visit our main site where we make a very compelling case on the virtues of buying American products and in this case, Preserve toothbrushes.
Thank you for buying American.