No nails are too tough for the new comfort cut technology, according to Mr. Willie Maddox, founder of Patriot Edge. The comfort cut is the first improvement in clipper geometry in 50 years.
Like most entrepreneurs, Mr. Maddox developed the Comfort Cut clippers based on need and observation. In February 2010, Maddox said, “I was trying to clip my dad’s toenails (back in 2000) and, as usual, struggled to get the nail between the jaws. So I thought, “Why don’t they make clippers that curve like nails?” Based on that question, Mr. Maddox put his 30 years of engineering experience and M.I.T. education to work. Maddox founded his company Patriot Edge with the express purpose of solving nail care problems with a 100 percent “Made in the USA” product.