From cosmetic bags, iPad cases and clutches to highly organized day and weekend bags, pHd gets you from the airplane to the board room to the cocktail party with elegance and ease. Designed for the way you move.
We are inspired to design simply beautiful handbags that blend function with fashion, to create time-saving, life-changing bags designed for real people to meet real needs. While many of today’s handbags are heavy, oversized and loaded with decorative hardware, our designs keep your shoulders and back healthy and well-balanced.
Streamlined silhouettes deliver sophisticated elegance, with every bag designed for hands-free usage. Myriad details are carefully considered: lightweight, durable, weatherproof, stain-resistant nylon and leather imported from Italy; functional interior and exterior pockets; strap lengths designed for one-handed access and an easy-find detachable key fob.
Practical function meets beautiful form in handbags designed with everything you need to change the way you carry your life.
All products are manufactured in the USA.